The Phase 2 report is likely to contain a number of remedial options but the process of providing a Remediation Method Statement involves the necessary authorities and this document details out the necessary steps that are required in order to return a parcel of land to be suitable for its end use. The works carried out in line with this will normally require a verification process.
The Land Contamination Risk Management (EA, 2020) guidance Stage 2 and 3 processes also include a remediation options appraisal and any required process to be detailed in a Remediation Method Statement.
Remediation of a site may be a simple single stage or a more complex multi-stage process which can also include several reporting stages:
- Liaison with Local Planning Authority Environmental Health Officer
- Scrutiny of data for imported materials (e.g. topsoils, subsoils)
- A watching brief for material to be removed
- Various site visits to test stockpiled materials that have been or are to be imported or site-won materials that are intended for re-use
- Assessment of the proposed layouts and modification of these in order to mitigate risks posed by the site/to receptors
- Installation of various mitigating measures (e.g. incorporation of hydrocarbon or other gas resistant membranes, capping, etc.)
The works carried out in line with this will normally require a verification process.
What is the output?
The output is a conceptual model review in a report that essentially shows the levels of risk and how they are reduced by implementation of the remediation techniques involved.
How are the reports presented?
Our reports are provided in PDF format via email.