End users

End users are the consumers. For consumers, it is important to know where the products are made from to make conscious choices when they are shopping. A reliable and transparent quality mark guides consumers to make the most sustainable choice in buying products in the supermarkets, garden centres, DIY shops et cetera.

The role of end users in the circular economy

End users, or consumers, play a crucial role in the recycling value chain and the circular economy. By making informed and conscious choices when purchasing products, consumers drive the demand for sustainable and recycled goods, influencing manufacturers to prioritize eco-friendly practices.

Informed consumer choices

For end users, understanding the origins and composition of products is essential. Knowledge about how products are made and the materials used enables consumers to make environmentally responsible decisions.

The impact of consumer choices

When end users choose products with verified recycled content, they send a powerful message to manufacturers and retailers. This demand for sustainability encourages companies to adopt greener practices, invest in recycling technologies, and offer more eco-friendly products. As a result, the entire supply chain becomes more sustainable, contributing to the overall goals of a circular economy.

Kiwa's expertise for end users

At Kiwa, we understand the importance of empowering consumers with reliable information. Our diverse portfolio of services includes certification and quality marks that assure consumers of the sustainability and recycled content of products. By providing transparency and trust, Kiwa helps consumers make the most sustainable choices. Find an overview below:

  • flustix certification is a certification scheme provided by the flustix GmbH, a German-based company specializing in certifications that independently test and verify the plastic sustainability of goods, products, semi-finished products and packaging with a unique approach towards 360-degree plastic sustainability .
  • End-of-waste refers to the status of a waste material that meets requirements to no longer be classified as waste but as resource for new production processes. The certification allows companies trading in iron, steel, aluminum or copper scrap to demonstrate they meet the end-of-waste criteria.